9 Tips on How to Ensure Cyber Security in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry is a world-renowned leader in the development and manufacturing of innovative medicines. But, as we all know, this industry is also a very targeted one.

To maintain its leading position, the pharmaceutical industry has to adopt stringent security measures. It has to find ways to prevent potential drug counterfeiting and other risks associated with the global drug market.

From statistics, we can assume that it is not rare for cybersecurity breaches to occur in this sector. A cyber attack can devalue your company’s brand and result in negative publicity. Further down the road, damage control costs will be high, and the company’s reputation can be lost.

The smart way to combat this eventuality is by taking proactive measures today. This article ensures that your pharmaceutical company’s cyber security becomes top-notch. 

1. Adopt a Cybersecurity Strategy for Your Pharmacy

Image source: Pixabay

A cybersecurity strategy is a high-level approach to managing risks associated with technology in a company. This can include threats such as malware and cyber-attacks. It covers the overall security of the company’s networks and systems.

There are many different ways to go about this, but the most common approach is to analyze the types of risks that exist. Perform a vulnerability management test to control systematic weaknesses in your cyber security strategy. After which, you dissect the impact those risks could have on the company as a whole.

It’s important to realize that not every risk that exists in a network or system can be identified and eliminated. In some cases, it might be better to simply assume that risks exist and work to mitigate them as much as possible.

2. Monitor Your Network Daily

One of the best ways to ensure that your company’s IT systems are secure is to monitor them regularly. By doing this, you can ensure that potential attacks are detected. It also helps you to manage risks so that no damage is caused.

Watch out for inactivity or any suspicious movement across your network. This involves monitoring login authorization and session management. In the case of an internal breach, it would be easier to track the number of personnel who accessed the network on the said day.

3. Secure Your Gear 

If you have machines or devices that store sensitive data, it is paramount to keep them as secure as possible. These details might include credit card numbers, driver’s license details, medical records, and more.

One of the best ways to go about this is to use digital rights management (DRM) to protect your data. By using DRM, your data is protected from unauthorized third parties. 

It is also stored securely on the device itself. If something were to happen to your computer or device, you’d still be able to access your data. It would be just as if it were stored on a different device.

4. Train Your Workforce Everyday

When it comes to cybersecurity, there’s no such thing as too much training. Location is inconsequential, be it on-site or at an employee-run training center. It’s important to keep your workforce up to date on how to use new technologies.

This can help ensure that you don’t accidentally expose sensitive data when using an app or website that you haven’t been trained in-depth about. It may also help to have regular training on cybersecurity for managers and executives. They need to be aware of cybersecurity’s best practices and be knowledgeable of tools available when needed.

5. Continually Improve Technology and Processes

When it comes to cybersecurity, it’s important to remember that you can’t prevent everything. The best you can do is to regularly review systems and tools to make sure they’re up-to-date and secure. 

Constantly change and improve processes to keep your company safe. Develop a company-wide awareness campaign on the best cybersecurity practices.

6. Partner With a Cyber Security Firm

Working with a trusted cyber security partner is another important step that pharmaceutical companies can take to improve their cyber security. Cybersecurity partners can provide some services, including:

  • Determine cybersecurity posture
  • Identify gaps
  • Guide how to address those gaps

However, it is important to remember that cyber security is progressive. You can expect your cyber security partners to continually monitor their networks and update defenses.

6. Backup and Data Encryption 

Image source: Pexels 

Encrypting data is another key step that pharmaceutical companies can take to improve their cyber security. Data should be encrypted both in transit and static states. Important data files should be backed up regularly and stored in a secure location.

7. Create a Fast Response In-house Team

Cyber attacks can happen anytime irrespective of how good your systems are. Should a cyber attack happen, it is good to have an in-house response team on the ground.

Responding quickly to cyber security incidents is another step that can be taken to improve cyber security. When a cyber security incident occurs, it is important to take quick and decisive actions to minimize the damage.

8. Create Complex Passwords

Implementing strong password policies is another way to improve your cyber security. Pharmaceutical company passwords should always be complex. If possible, it should be kept in the hands of a few top personnel only.

Access to passwords must be regulated and employees should be required to change them regularly.

9. Pay Attention to Third Party Data Sharing

If your pharmaceutical tech must work with third parties, then pay close attention to the data you give out. A hack can happen when data sharing is unregulated. Be sure that your partners can be trusted.

An easy way to enforce cyber security is by implementing control processes and defining access policies for third-party. Monitor all data-sharing policies out in the open.


Cybersecurity can be a complicated issue to tackle, but with a little effort, it can be managed. By following these tips, you can greatly reduce your risk of a cyberattack while ensuring that confidential information is kept safe and secure at all times.

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